Uttarakhand Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami will visit Madhya Pradesh on Monday to attend the 'Jan Kalyan Parv,' a flagship event organized by the Madhya Pradesh government. He will join Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav in Sagar this evening.
As part of the event, Dhami will participate in the Ganga Aarti on the banks of the historic Lakha Banjara Lake in Sagar. The lake, redeveloped under the Smart City Project by the state’s urban development department, serves as a vital water source for the city.
The redevelopment, costing over Rs 111 crore, includes modern facilities with a focus on environmental restoration. It will be inaugurated during the 'Jan Kalyan Parv' celebration.
Key features of the project include the construction of three water treatment plants around the lake, which spans over 400 acres. These facilities have successfully stopped the direct flow of sewage into the lake.
"A total of 41 drains previously discharging waste water into the lake have been diverted through the installation of a 5.5 km pipeline," a senior official from the Sagar Municipal Corporation informed IANS. The official added that the lake’s water quality was thoroughly tested, and restoration was conducted by first draining the lake completely to ensure its ecological integrity.
Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Mohan Yadav will formally inaugurate the redeveloped Lakha Banjara Lake during the event, which will also feature a cultural program.
The 'Jan Kalyan Parv' campaign, launched by CM Yadav on December 11 to commemorate one year of his government, has involved the announcement of key projects and the inauguration of completed initiatives. The campaign is set to conclude on December 26.
After the event, both Chief Ministers, Dhami and Yadav, will travel to New Delhi for a meeting chaired by Union Home Minister Amit Shah later tonight.
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