Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) chief Mayawati on Monday took a dig at Congress leader Rahul Gandhi over his visit to violence-hit Parbhani in Maharashtra. She said he was going there only to shed crocodile tears and accused the Congress of historically adopting a casteist and contemptuous attitude toward Dalits and backward classes.
Taking to X on Monday, Mayawati wrote, "Unfortunate incidents like Parbhani happened as a result of disrespect/insult towards the original architect of the Indian Constitution, the most revered Babasaheb Dr Bhimrao Ambedkar and the feeling of inferiority towards his crores of followers. It is proved that Congress and BJP are not their true well-wishers, everyone's intentions and policies are flawed.”
Referring to Gandhi's visit, Mayawati said, "The Congress leader's visit today to Parbhani is nothing more than shedding crocodile tears because the Congress' attitude towards the interests and welfare of Babasaheb and his followers has always been casteist and contemptuous, both during his lifetime and after his death. They remember the Dalits and backward classes only in their bad times.”
Rahul Gandhi, during his brief visit to Parbhani, will meet the bereaved families of Somnath Vyankat Suryawanshi, 35, who was studying his LlB, and another Dalit social worker Vijay Wakode, who suffered a heart attack and succumbed while attempting to control the rampaging mobs on December 11-12.
The BSP chief also called for a peaceful nationwide demonstration at district headquarters to demand the withdrawal of alleged anti-Ambedkar remarks made in Parliament. "The entire society should unite and make these protests successful," she urged, cautioning against "deceptive politics" carried out in the name of Ambedkar.
Mayawati reiterated her party's commitment to its Ambedkarite mission, stating, "The BSP's self-respect movement aims to empower the 'Bahujan Samaj' politically, while other parties merely pretend to champion Ambedkar's legacy for political gains. Their actions are duplicitous -- Ram on their lips, but a knife under their arm."
The BSP has announced a nationwide agitation on December 24 to protest against Home Minister Amit Shah's controversial remarks about Dr Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar in Parliament, which they claim disrespected the architect of India's Constitution.
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