The Uttar Pradesh Power Department on Thursday, accompanied by heavy security, raided the residence of Samajwadi Party (SP) MP, Zia Ur Rahman Burk in Sambhal. The raid was conducted on suspicion of electricity meter tampering, and evidence of irregularities was found in two electricity meters at the MP's house.
An FIR is likely to be filed against him. Officials discovered that the electricity bill for the past year recorded zero consumption, raising serious concerns.
Speaking to the media after the raid, Power Department official Santosh Kumar Tripathi stated, “We found air conditioners installed in the house, which has been noted. However, I cannot comment further until more analysis is conducted.”
Advocate Kasim Jamal, representing Burk, clarified, “The inspection revealed two air conditioners, 6-7 ceiling fans, lights, and one refrigerator at the residence. We are paying the minimum electricity charges as per the department’s assessment. The house is equipped with solar panels, and the family comprises only four members as the MP’s sisters are married and no longer reside here.”
Sambhal ASP Shri Chandra explained, “The Power Department requested security for their inspection, and we ensured the process was conducted smoothly.”
Earlier, the department had replaced old meters at Burk’s residence, sealing them and sending them to the lab for examination. The MP’s residence, spanning 200 square yards, was previously equipped with a 4-kilowatt meter, which was deemed insufficient.
For the meter replacement, a team of 5-6 Power Department employees, accompanied by armed security personnel and tear gas, was deployed to handle any potential untoward incidents during the operation.
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