BJP MP and former Union Minister Anurag Thakur on Wednesday accused the Opposition of repeatedly "disrupting Parliament proceedings" and alleged links with foreign forces to "undermine India's democracy."
Thakur made these remarks while participating in the BJP's Mera Booth Sabse Majboot campaign in Delhi's Shahdara, where he placed stickers and flags to energise BJP workers. During the event, he raised the slogan 'Mera Booth Sabse Majboot' and reaffirmed the party's commitment to victory in the upcoming elections.
Taking a dig at the Opposition during the event, Thakur said, "The House does not function as soon as some individuals step in, repeatedly disrupting proceedings. These are the same people who once spoke of upholding democracy but are now allegedly taking foreign funding to weaken it."
"Why do they not want the House to function? Why are they obstructing the voice of 140 crore Indians? On whose direction is Congress doing this? With whom does Congress have such connections?" the BJP MP added, indirectly referencing the Gandhis and raising questions about alleged foreign links.
The former Union Minister also commented on the leadership tussle within the INDIA bloc, particularly after West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee expressed her willingness to lead.
"This alliance is made up of groups with conflicting ideologies. They came together purely for power. Now that they cannot achieve it, their true faces are being exposed. The public has rejected this corrupt gang," he said.
Responding to reports of a late-night meeting at NCP supremo Sharad Pawar's residence discussing EVMs, Thakur remarked, "The public has rejected their leadership. Now, they sit together, drink tea, and blame EVMs. In America, states like California take 18 days to count votes, while in India, we count the votes of 90 crore people within hours. Our system is robust and transparent."
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