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Alan Dershowitz to Newsmax TV: Worst Crisis Since Civil War

(Newsmax TV/"Greg Kelly Reports")

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

The coronavirus pandemic is the worst crisis to face a U.S. president since the Civil War, according to Alan Dershowitz on Newsmax TV, and former NYPD Commissioner Bernie Kerik laments media and politicization is only making it worse.

"This is the greatest crisis ever confronting an American president since the Civil War," Dershowitz told "Greg Kelly Reports." "This is more dangerous than World War II; this is more dangerous than 9/11, Pearl Harbor.

"This is much more dangerous. This risks not only the safety of millions of Americans. We don't know what we don't know. We don't know how bad this is gonna get. It also risks the economy of the United States and the economy of the world."

Both Dershowitz, a legal scholar who made arguments on the lack of constitutional basis for impeachment of President Donald Trump, and Kerik, who was pardoned by the president earlier this year, lament the politicization of the crisis.

"Certainly in my lifetime there has never been a greater crisis facing a president, and we shouldn't politicize it," Dershowitz said.

"I certainly think this is a time for unity, but we live in a divided time, divided period in history that it's very hard to bring us together."

Kerik went even further to suggest the attacks on the U.S. response to the pandemic is a coordinated political campaign, the country, the people, and the president be damned.

"My issue is the mainstream media; my issue is the disinformation; my issue is the attacks on the president; my issue is local and state representatives of government that go off on political tangents on the president," Kerik said. "This is a time there should be unity in government, unity in country, like there was in the aftermath of 9/11.

"Today, this isn't about the virus. I am absolutely convinced this panic, this hysteria is not about the [virus], it's about the hatred for the president, and the mainstream media and the Democratic Party going out on a tangent in an attempt to hurt him, hurt the economy, and it's sickening."

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The coronavirus pandemic is the worst crisis to face a U.S. president since the Civil War, according to Alan Dershowitz on Newsmax TV,...
alandershowitz, berniekerik, pandemic, civilwar
Wednesday, 18 March 2020
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