President Droupadi Murmu on Tuesday extended her greetings to the people of Meghalaya, Tripura, and Manipur on the occasion of their Statehood Day, wishing them a "peaceful and prosperous future."
The three states attained full statehood on January 21, 1972, under the North Eastern Areas Reorganisation Act, 1971.
In a message shared on X, President Murmu wrote, "Greetings to the residents of Meghalaya, Tripura and Manipur on Statehood Day! The enterprising people of these states have made remarkable contributions to the development of the country. I convey my best wishes to the residents of these states for a peaceful and prosperous future. May their diverse culture, vibrant traditions and rich biodiversity continue to flourish!"
Prime Minister Narendra Modi also took to social media to extend his wishes to the people of the three states, highlighting their contributions and potential for growth.
In his messages, he wished for the continued progress and development of Meghalaya, Tripura, and Manipur.
For Manipur, the Prime Minister wrote, "Greetings to the people of Manipur on their Statehood Day. We are incredibly proud of the role played by the people of Manipur towards India's development. My best wishes for the progress of Manipur."
Sharing his sentiments for Meghalaya, he posted, "On Meghalaya's Statehood Day, I convey my best wishes to the people of the state. Meghalaya is admired for its natural beauty and the industrious nature of the people. Praying for the continuous development of the state in the times to come."
In his message for Tripura, he noted, "Best wishes to the people of Tripura on their Statehood Day. The state is making noteworthy contributions to national progress. It is also known for its rich culture and heritage. May Tripura continue to scale new heights of development."
Manipur and Tripura, initially princely states, merged with India in 1949. They were granted Union Territory status in 1956 and aspired to achieve full statehood, which they attained in 1972.
Meghalaya, meanwhile, was originally part of Assam. It gained autonomy through the Assam Reorganisation (Meghalaya) Act of 1969 and subsequently achieved full statehood in 1972.
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