Contradicting Chief Minister Siddaramaiah’s stand that the acquisition of 3.16 acres of land belonging to his family in Kesare village on the outskirts of Mysuru city was not known to them, fresh documents have surfaced allegedly showing that the CM’s family not only knew about it but also his wife, Parvathi had rejected the proposed compensation by the MUDA.
Union Minister for Heavy Industries and Steel H.D. Kumaraswamy shared the document on social media X on Friday and lashed out at CM Siddaramaiah for maintaining that his family had no idea about the acquisition of their land by the Mysuru Urban Development Authority (MUDA).
“Respected Chief Minister Siddaramaiah, you falsely claim that neither you nor your family had any role in the land allocation by the MUDA. I think that you know Kannada and understand the language. Aren't you a self-proclaimed lawyer? Please take a moment to carefully read the records that are available,” he stated.
"The wife of CM Siddaramaiah had insisted that MUDA shall allot the land to her on a 50:50 ratio. The record in this regard says, ‘It was informed to the applicant, Smt. Parvathamma, that compensation would be provided at market value or land would be allocated on a 40:60 ratio. However, she did not agree to this suggestion by the authority and insisted on getting alternate land.’ Now what does CM Siddaramaiah have to say about it?” Kumaraswamy questioned.
“This is what MUDA records say. What do you (CM Siddaramaiah) have to say about this? According to you, is this just a note? An insistence? Or an order? Mr. ‘super’ CM, what else could the MUDA officials have done when they were 'insisted' upon? At that time, where were you? You were sitting in the Chief Minister's chair on the 3rd floor of Vidhana Soudha. Now tell us, who has the skeletons in their closet?” Kumaraswamy lashed out.
Meanwhile, Snehamayi Krishna, one of the petitioners who filed cases over the MUDA case with Governor Thaawarchand Gehlot and also lodged a private complaint in the court against Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has released the document in this regard.
Snehamayi Krishna stated that CM Siddaramaiah was claiming that the MUDA itself had agreed that it was wrong to acquire his family’s land and decided to allot parallel land. According to the documents, the decisions of MUDA agreeing to its mistake, deciding to allot parallel land were made when CM Siddaramaiah was the CM. The meeting was chaired by the senior Congress leader and his close associate, the late D. Dhruvakumar, who was the MUDA Chairman then.
When one closely observes the decision by MUDA saying it was wrong to acquire the land and to allot compensation, it is evident that CM Siddaramaiah had influenced his close associate Dhruvakumar who was MUDA Chairman then, said Krishna.
This comes ahead of CM Siddaramaiah's meeting with Rahul Gandhi and other top leaders of the party. Sources said he is likely to brief them about the MUDA case and situation in the state.
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