Patna: Rashtriya Janatad Dald leader Tejashwi Yadav on Friday said the class 10 exam paper of the Bihar School Examination Board was leaked and Chief Minister and Education Minister of Bihar do not have any knowledge about it.
After the conclusion of day one of the budget session in the Bihar assembly, Yadav said it is a reflection on the NDA government in Bihar.
"It is simply unimaginable that the Social Sciences question paper of class 10 leaked at several places and the Chief Minister and the education minister do not know about it. What kind of government is Nitish Kumar running in Bihar? If they were aware of it, why are they hiding it?" asked Yadav.
"When I informed the assembly about the paper leak, neither Chief Minister Nitish Kumar nor or Education Minister Vijay Kumar Chaudhary clarify the matter in the House," Yadav further said.
"Papers of every examination in Bihar are leaking these days and the mentors of education are doing nothing. In fact they are playing with the lives of students," Yadav said.
He further claimed that during his speech, Governor Phagu Chauhan said the state government is buying paddy on MSP but there is no buying on the ground. Farmers are selling paddy in Rs 700 to 800 in several districts.
"Over 260 farmers have died during the last three months during the agitation. When we asked to pay respects to the farmers in the house, our request was turned down. It that the BJP and Nitish Kumar are anti-farmer."
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