In a three-page statement, alleged conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar, lodged in the national capital's Mandoli jail, said that a Pandora box of corruption is going to be out and open with the arrest of BRS leader K. Kavitha by the Enforcement Directorate (ED) in connection with alleged Delhi liquor policy scam case.
“By this arrest of yours Kavita Akka you and all your corrupt associates including the king of corruption my dearest Arvind Kejriwal is going to be exposed to another level,” said Chandrashekhar.
He added: “The truth has prevailed, the dramas of saying fake cases, fake allegations, political witch hunt has fallen flat….Now you have to face the power of truth… you always thought you were untouchable, invincible but you forgot this new Bharat, law is strong and powerful than ever.”
Chandrashekhar, who is accused to be the kingpin in a Rs 200 crore extortion case, claimed that thousands of crores “looted and stacked in Singapore, Hong Kong and Germany” by Kavitha and her political party will all be out in the open.
The statement said: “One sincere advice to you (K Kavitha), there's no use of you trying to still hide everything and try to safeguard the kingpin and the godfather of this scam Arvind Kejriwal…..However I welcome you to the greatest Tihar club, Akka.”
Hinting at the arrest of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in the alleged liquor policy scam, Chandrashekhar concluded that no matter how much Kejriwal tries, it is all over now and the climax of all his lies and drama.
“Now come to all your brothers and sister at your very own Tihar club, my dear Kejriwal Ji,” Chandrashekhar said.
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