Tags: Politics | Elections | South Africa | International

South African President Announces Lineup of Coalition Govt

South African President Announces Lineup of Coalition Govt

Monday, 01 July 2024

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the lineup of his new national executive cabinet, comprising ministers from various political parties that form the Government of National Unity (GNU).

Ramaphosa on Sunday finally made the long-awaited announcement after protracted negotiations that nearly collapsed when the main opposition party within the GNU demanded additional ministerial positions, reports Xinhua news agency.

The announcement came more than a week after Ramaphosa's inauguration on June 19 for his second presidential term. His re-election came with a reduced majority, forcing his party, the African National Congress, to share power for the first time in three decades.

This led to the formation of the GNU with ten opposition parties, such as the Democratic Alliance (DA), Inkatha Freedom Party, and Pan Africanist Congress of Azania, among others.

In his late-night televised national address, Ramaphosa declared that the economy and the stability of the government would be of top concern to the new cabinet.

"The incoming government will prioritise rapid, inclusive and sustainable economic growth and the creation of a more just society by tackling poverty and inequality," said the President.

The DA, which garnered over 21 per cent in the recent elections, was allocated six cabinet posts. The party's leader, John Steenhuisen, 48, was appointed minister of agriculture.

Some minor parties also saw their leaders receive cabinet posts.

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South African President Cyril Ramaphosa announced the lineup of his new national executive cabinet, comprising ministers from various political parties that form the Government of National Unity (GNU).Ramaphosa on Sunday finally made the long-awaited announcement after...
Politics, Elections, South Africa, International
Monday, 01 July 2024
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