Tags: Israel | Defence | Hamas | Terrorism | International

130 Hamas Terrorists Killed in Ground Battles: IDF

130 Hamas Terrorists Killed in Ground Battles: IDF

Friday, 03 November 2023

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in a statement on Thursday said that it killed 130 Hamas terrorists since the ground battles started in Gaza.

The IDF said that it has also destroyed several terror structures in the Gaza Strip since October 27.

The IDF is taking on Hamas by air, sea, and ground, the statement added.

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The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) in a statement on Thursday said that it killed 130 Hamas terrorists since the ground battles started in Gaza.The IDF said that it has also destroyed several terror structures in the Gaza Strip since October 27.The IDF is taking on Hamas by...
Israel, Defence, Hamas, Terrorism, International
Friday, 03 November 2023
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