Tags: Israel | Broadcast | International

Israel Security Cabinet Approves Closing Down Int'l Broadcasters Who 'harm National Interests'

Israel Security Cabinet Approves Closing Down Int'l Broadcasters Who 'harm National Interests'

Monday, 13 November 2023

The security cabinet of Israel has approved regulations that will allow the government to close down foreign broadcasters who "harm national interests".

Israel's Communications Minister Shlomo Kathi is pushing for regulations to shut down the Qatar-based Al Jazeera news channel and Lebanon based Al-Mayadeen network from broadcasting in the Jewish nation.

There has been wide protests against Al-Jazeera in Israel, with critics complaining that the channel was against the national interests of the country.

Ever since Israel was attacked by Hamas terrorists on October 7, there has been calls within the government that the Al Jazeera network’s bureau in the Jewish state should be closed down.

With the new regulation in place, the Communications Ministry of Israel will be showing its door to the foreign networks from operating in the country.

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The security cabinet of Israel has approved regulations that will allow the government to close down foreign broadcasters who "harm national interests".Israel's Communications Minister Shlomo Kathi is pushing for regulations to shut down the Qatar-based Al Jazeera news...
Israel, Broadcast, International
Monday, 13 November 2023
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