Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said Vibrant Gujarat is not a branding but a bonding event linked to "me and capabilities of the seven crore people of the state".
The Prime Minister made the remark while addressing the event to commemorate two decades of the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit.
He said, "I remember in 2009 everyone asked me to not hold the summit as there was a global slowdown. But I refused and said at the worst, the summit would not be successful."
The journey of the Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit began on September 28, 2003, under the visionary leadership of the then Chief Minister, Narendra Modi.
From its humble beginnings with 300 international participants in its debut year, the summit flourished exponentially, hosting thousands of delegates from more than 135 nations in 2019.
Modi took to Twitter to write, “Marking two decades of fostering business, innovation and growth! At 10 AM, will be joining the programme to mark 20 years of the @VibrantGujarat. Summit, which is a testament to Gujarat’s unwavering commitment to economic development. Over the years, the Summits have brought together key stakeholders across sectors, furthered growth and most importantly, created opportunities for several youngsters of Gujarat.”
The summit's trajectory over the last 20 years traces its evolution from being a platform focusing on making Gujarat as the preferred investment destination to one that aspires to shape a new India.
On Tuesday, Modi addressed a gathering of women leaders and members of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) at GUJSAIL building compound at Ahmedabad Airport, soon after his arrival here on two days Gujarat visit.
Over 20,000 women attended the event.
Prime Minister Modi said “We have made so many schemes that simplify the women of the house. We started Kanya Kelavni Abhiyan to educate young girls in Gujarat. I have put efforts to elevate women’s position at every level. Gujarat has played an important role in whatever we have done for women's empowerment from their home to Parliament.”
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