
Do You Approve of PM Modi's Job Performance?

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With India now the third-worst-hit country by the Covid-19 pandemic, after the United States and Brazil, the Indian economy is now likely to contract.

The outlook for India’s reeling economy has worsened as business activity slows.

The MSME sectors are restarting their operations using the government’s aid such as moratorium, debt restructuring, and credit, but the core problem is that they don’t have demand for their products and services.

Now the government’s task is to reduce expenditures as the economy sinks into a deeper slowdown.

Newsmax, an Indian and global news brand, is asking voters like you about PM Modi’s job performance.

Cast your vote in this urgent national poll. Poll results will be shared with top government officials and major media.

1) Do you approve or disapprove of Prime Minister Modi’s job performance?
2) Do you approve of his handling of Covid-19?
3) Who did you vote for in the last election?
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